The Best Experience Is A Live Experience. Listen Live On 96.7 FM

We are proud to say since 2005, 96.7 FM has given Independent Artist(s) a platform for their music to be heard. Submitting (Clean) Radio Edited Version of music is very important to us as well.
96.7 Has given Artist(s) a platform through design segments such as "Lick It Or Kick", "Rush It Or Flush It" That tells the truth whether its a good song or bad song.
Get Registered & Legal Music Info
To Successfully Submit Music To 96.7 FM:
(1). The song that is submitted must be registered with BMI. (2). The song that is submitted must be radio friendly. "Radio Friendly" for an audience of 12 years old. (3.) Send BMI registration Work Number along with the song in a mp3 format to (4). Subject Line should read: Song Submission (5). Include the title and artist name in the body of the email with contact name and number. (6). After receiving the email with all proper information, the song goes up for review. This can take up to 60 days to verify. Once verified, you will receive a confirmation email on when the song will air.
Visit For Song Registration & Copyrights